a blog about actionscript, java, cocoa and software development in general
Flash Lite or J2ME?
FlashLite player 2 is available
Business & marketing for the Mac Developer
How to write unmaintenable code
[Cocoa] Memory management and exceptions
Tomorrow in the papers
Design patterns poster
And the pattern was...
An example of the guess-its-name pattern
[Cocoa] Some links
[Cocoa] Introduction to memory management
[J2ME] Netbeans Mobility Pack 5.0 beta
[J2ME] Some articles of interest
An interesting post about floats
[Cocoa] Apple launches the ADC Bookshelf
[Cocoa] Smart crash reports
Flash 8 examples source code
[Cocoa] Open source framework to protect shareware apps
Nokia Mobility Conference 2005
[J2ME] An article about the Media API ( JSR 135 )
This is coupling
[J2ME] 3D programming tutorial about light
[Flash 8] The sun and its shadow
[Flash 8] Glow filter
[Flash 8] Blur filter
[Cocoa] Localization suite 2.0
An example of the memento pattern ( the java version )
An example of the memento pattern ( the actionscript version )
[Cocoa] About the NSSlider control
Apple drops Cocoa-Java
[J2ME] Nokia Announces Next Generation Java Platform For Series 60
Developing a Mac OSX app: Dice
DRY, and by the way, encapsulate what will change
XCode 2.1 is available for download
An example of the Observer pattern
An example of the Observer pattern (the java version)
How to use design patterns
Interesting article: Wireless application development for a changing world
An interesting article on Writing comments
An example of the Command Pattern
An example of the Command Pattern ( the Java Version )
An example of the Extension Objects pattern ( the java version )
An example of the Extension Objects pattern
[OT] The new member of the design-nation family
An example of the Prototype Pattern ( the Java version )
An example of the Prototype Pattern
Code smells and refactorings
[XP] Collective code ownership, testing, and coding standards
[OT] Mac mini "mini review"
[OT] Shuffle art
Why Use Extreme Programming?
[OT] iPod Shuffle
[FlashLite] Flash Mobile Community
A situation where we shouldn't extend movieclip
[ J2ME ] Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API for J2ME
[J2ME] Interesting article at
FlashLite or J2ME?
[FlashLite] Dice
Get your Flash Lite Content submitted for the contest!
[OT] Laptop archeology
[PPC] The model-view-controller architecture applied to a pocket pc application
[J2ME] First Application: Dice
Some practical benefits of OOP
[J2ME]: Random class
New category: J2ME
OT: Tindersticks
Inner classes in AS2?
Design patterns considered harmful?
Favour composition over inheritance ( and III )
Favour composition over inheritance ( II )
Favour composition over inheritance( I )
[software] Maxivista
An example of the abstract factory pattern
Thanks for the goodies!
Flashblog: Flash / php / mySQL opensource weblog
Central 1.5 is out!
Flashtival 2004
The State pattern and game development ( IV and final ) has gone mobile?
Cool flash application ( pocketpc )
design-nation. mobile
Socket Server
OT: How is the job market in Germany?
Sound.onSoundComplete: ¿Bug or feature?
OT: Updated to MT3.01
The summer break is over :(
The State pattern and game development ( III )
The State pattern and game development ( II )
The State pattern and game development ( I )
AS1 and AS2 at Madrid Underground ( or Metro, or subway )
An example of the proxy pattern
Free sounds compilation
About class interfaces
OT- Free php5 hosting at
OT- My gadgets collection grows.
Accordion component
Atom feed added
Button handler follow-up
[OT] we are 25, UE is growing
Bloggin’nation 0.1: A Central application
Net Art. I need your help
Button weirdness
My first two months
Hash Table V2
OT ( and rant ): Switching from Thunderbird to Outlook
Is anybody using the mySQL panel?
Almost friday: a useless post
OT: new CSS
Developing an AS2 framework
My coding standards
Terrorist attack in Madrid
Hello, MXNA!
Design patterns: MVC ( the correct implementation? )
Design patterns: almost MVC ( model-view-controller )
Data structures: Hash table
Accessing a class properties dinamically
Linked list V2
A linked list implementation
I need some advice about a PocketPC
So, how was my first week?
I have a new job too
My first day!
We are not spammers!
A mySQL Flash panel
Player or virtual machine?
AS2 and prototypes
Flare AS decompiler
Resizable button
Defend your castle!
security problem with flashcom
Great surprise, flashcomguru
Did you know??->Director MX 2004
We are proud to be Actionscript Super Heroes!
Hello, fullasagoog!
Unity 2.0.1
Interesting links
My first jsfl (PublishAll)
Flexibility matters (AS2)
Flexibility matters (AS1)
Tree component
And now I also have a Mac!!
Gravity (source code)
Experiment 3.0
Experiment 2.0
Let's experiment!
fc components updater
about MM releases
bugs in FCS
Get the stats of your apps in flashcom
AudioVideoStreamer with Flashcom. First Approach
A little game in Flashcom
API from Breeze
Attribute Changer
Macromedia Central SDK available
The power of Flash Communication Server
welcome to the community
CSS drop shadows
MSN newsbot
Macromedia Flex
Do you need an old browser?
Google Deskbar
FlashCommand Flash 2004 Command Line Compiler
The new Flash IDE
Let's move to Linux!
Taking off!
Buscar en este blog:
Design Patterns
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Entradas recientes
Flash Lite or J2ME?
FlashLite player 2 is available
Business & marketing for the Mac Developer
How to write unmaintenable code
[Cocoa] Memory management and exceptions
Tomorrow in the papers
Design patterns poster
And the pattern was...
An example of the guess-its-name pattern
[Cocoa] Some links
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