ThinkGeek - Cool Stuff for Geeks and Technophiles

March 06, 2005

[OT] Mac mini "mini review"

I finally received my mac mini two days ago. Here are my first impressions after this weekend: I love it.

First, some pictures:

The box:


The contents of the box:


And the final setup:


And the review:

1.- Installation.

The installation process was extremely easy. Just plug in the keyboard, video and mouse, switch the computer on and you're done.

I bought the computer because I wanted to upgrade my main windows box, but I want to use my windows box as a web, ftp and cvs server. So, I bought this KVM switch. Plugging the wires into the KVM switch was more time consuming that booting the mini.

2.- Applications.

A lot of applications are preinstaled: iLife'04 (yes, 04, not 05), Mail, Safari, iCal, iChat...

In the package there's also a DVD containing iLife'05. So upgrading the iLife suite was very easy. Just inserting the DVD and waiting a few minutes.

3.- Performance.

The hardware specifications:

Processor: PPC G4 ( 1.42 GHz )
RAM: 512 MB
HDD: 80 GB
Bluetooth / Superdrive

I am impressed by the computer's performance. Right now I'm running iTunes, iPhoto, Firefox, Mail, iCal, Adium, QuickSilver, ecto, NetNewsWire, AddressBook, a Remote Desktop Connection to my windows box, and Flash MX 2004. And the computer runs all these applications smoothly.

This is much more than what I expected.

When working with Flash, everything is easy and smooth. But Eclipse does not perform very well, specially when writing Java code.

4.- Cooling and noise.

The computer is very quiet. You can hardly hear the fan or the hard drive. But the SuperDrive is very noisy ( not when watching a movie, but when installing software, for instance ). The computer's surface, after two days switched on, is cold.

So, I must confess that I'm impressed by the computer's performance and ease of use.

In a few hours, I must go back to the office and to my windows box. I really hate mondays.

Posted by Cesar Tardaguila Date: March 6, 2005 11:34 PM | TrackBack