I need some advice about a PocketPC
During the last months I've been thinking about buying myself a PocketPC.
The fact is that I'm not really sure if it's really worth the money. I mean, what can I do with it exactly?. I know I can use it to read some e-books while I'm on the train to work, that I can use it to maintain my task list, and so on, but I'm not sure if it's really worth the 500€ it costs.
If any of you can think of a cool use of a PocketPC, please let me now!
The iPaq I had had a great remote control app on it - basically it could handle all my devices at home. Making it the worlds most expensive remote control...
Seriously, unless you travel loads and attend long and dull meetings - and your at a Laptop or PC at any time during the day. Then spend your money on your next mobile, which is bound to match any pocket pc for features.
Even better wait a month a see what HP do the the next range of iPaqs. Already there is talk of some great smartphone models.
hope that helped
Publicado por: martin | February 1, 2004 12:48 PM