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Data structures: Hash table

A hash table is a short of collection of linked lists. It allows us to store pairs data-object, and later retrieve the data using its key

You can view a detailled explanation of what a hash map is here

And you can download my AS2 implementation here

To test it you could try something like this:

import net.designnation.structs.* var a: HashMap= new HashMap( ); // Setitem // key= "4"; trace( "Adding "+ key ); a.setItem( key, new Object( key ) ); trace( "HashMap contents: "+ a ); key= "21"; trace( "Adding "+ key ); a.setItem( key, [ "a1", "a2" ] ); trace( "HashMap content: "+ a ); key= "5"; trace( "Adding "+ key ); a.setItem( key, new Object( key ) ); trace( "HashMap content: "+ a ); key= "8"; trace( "Adding "+ key ); a.setItem( key, new Object( key ) ); trace( "HashMap content: "+ a ); key= "81"; trace( "Adding "+ key ); a.setItem( key, new Object( key ) ); trace( "HashMap content: "+ a ); key= "8"; trace( "Adding "+ key ); a.setItem( key, new Object( key ) ); key= "8"; trace( "Retrieving "+ key ); trace( a.getItem( key ).toString( ) ); // Count // trace( "Count: "+ a.count( ) ); // Remove // key= "4"; trace( "Removing "+ key ); a.remove( key ); trace( "HashMap content: "+ a.toString( ) ); trace( "Count: "+ a.count( ) );

Good night!


is there also a method to check the existence of a key (e.g. hasItem())?

Would it be possible for you to send me the as source if your HashMap class. I don't know where flash installs these mxp files, therefore I couldn't take a look into the classe files and find out the provided functions by myself.


Hi, Paul.

I haven't implemented any method to check for a key yet, but I'll try to do it as soon as possible.

The as files are installed in the following folder ( windows, I don't know about macs ):

C:\documents and settings\{user}\Local configuration\Program data\Macromedia\FlashMX2004\{language}\Configuration\Classes

There is a folder called "net", containing my as files.

thanks for your help, I found the as files.

did you perform some test comparing the access time of your HashMap and a normal assoiative Array?
Is there a size limit you would suggest for the HashMap? I am planing on using it as a cache object to store product-data in but it could become quite large (200-300 items or more), do you think this would still be ok?

Thanks a lot for your help,


Hi, Paul, sorry for the delay.

I think this structure should be ok to store much more than 300 items. I've tested it with 500 objects ( movieclips ) and there was no problem.

Anyway, I'm planing to update it this weekend, to try to improve the performance, so if you can wait untill sunday...