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Is anybody using the mySQL panel?

About a month ago, we released an extension for the flash IDE, which contained a panel to browse a mySQL database, and a php class. ( you can read more about it here)

Well, there have been more than 1000 downloads yet, and we are a bit surprised, because we have not received any bug report, any report about installation problems,….

This has made us think what seems obvious: that nobody is using it.

Anyway, if you are using it, we'll like to know what do you think about it, what improvements, if any, you'd like to see in a future "release",….


Didn't know about this one, must have slipped under my radar... Sounds very interesting so I will try it as soon as possible.

I didn't see this before, but works just fine for me (3 minutes of testing). I use phpMyAdmin and usually have it open when I am working with the db, so not sure how much I would use the panel, but I will look closer at the DB connection class.

yup! i use it :)

Well, thanks for the feedback!

which version of Flash is this for? I am trying with Flash MX and it is not installing. . .

It's for MX2004