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Design patterns poster

I am sure you have heard about the Head First series and about the Head First Design Patterns book, because it is probably the best introductory book to understand design patterns.

Last week I was browsing amazon when I found this item: Head First Design Patterns Poster.


As its name says, it is a poster (a big one, in fact) that contains a graph (taken from the original book), not an UML diagram but a graph that explains the pattern and also the page number of the pattern in both the Gang of four and Head First Design Patterns.

It visually summarizes 18 patterns, and it is attached to the wall in front of my computer right now...

(By the way, all the links in this post will NOT earn me a comission).


Interesting - I never saw or heard about this via Kathy's blog or in the book. Maybe they just slipped it out stealth style as a little surprise for the HF fans.

Hi, Rob.

It was a surprise for me, too, and I must confess that the more I loke at it, the more I like it...

I think this is more of a teasing promo thing, I have one on my floor at the moment.

The book is excellent.

If you are interested in design paterns in action script you might want to look how they get applied in a new open source Flash Framework