
January 03, 2006

Flash Lite or J2ME?

Almost a year ago, I posted a comparison between Flash Lite and J2ME.

As you probably now, the Flash Lite 2 update for Flash Professional 8 has just been released through Macromedia Labs, and it’s time to rewrite that post.

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December 21, 2005

FlashLite player 2 is available

I'm sure you have read in the aggregators, but I won't do any harm to read about it once again.

FlashLite 2 player is available through the la Adobe online store, and it costs 8 € (ex. VAT).

There is no official documentation yet, and it is not possible to start developing specific content, but at least we can start testing our old FlashLite 1.1 apps against the new player ;)

You can read more about the announcement at Flash Devices.

Enjoy your new toy...

February 16, 2005

[FlashLite] Flash Mobile Community

I've just received an email from Richard Leggett, announcing the Flash Mobile Community site.

As Richard says, the original aim was to allow developers to share SWF's for testing on a variety of devices, but it now aggregates relevant news feeds, members can publish their own blogs and discuss anything Flashy.

If you are into developing mobile applications, it can be a very useful resource. Here's the link:

February 08, 2005

[ J2ME ] Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API for J2ME

Nokia has published the Final Release of the JSR-226 Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API for J2ME specification, developed under the Java Community Process. The goal of this specification is to define an optional API package for rendering Scalable 2D vector images, including external images in SVG format.

From the specification docs:

The primary use cases of this API include:
•Map Visualization
•Scalable Icons
•Animations (messaging)
•Technical Illustrations

You cand download the docs here

Once again, it seems that Flashlite and J2ME run in parallel. Any thoughts?

January 10, 2005

FlashLite or J2ME?

This morning, my boss has asked me "Regarding downloadable games, which platform do you think will be dominant, FlashLite or J2ME?".

Well, good question. Of course I can only make a guess, with the information I’ve got right now, which is:

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January 06, 2005

[FlashLite] Dice

Abdul Qabiz has posted about a J2ME application I made some weeks ago, and he says that the same thing could have been done with a few lines of code in Macromedia Flash Lite.

And he's right!

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