Fix para el "Flash Resource Manager"
Mike Chambers publicó esta mañana en su blog esta aplicación. El caso es que al instalarla y ejecutarla en mi sistema ( windowsXP y 2000 en español ), obtenía un error como éste:
07/04/2004 10:51:17 : Error parsing help file.
C:\Documents and Settings\ctarda\Configuración local\Datos de programa\Macromedia\Flash MX 2004\es\Configuration\HelpPanel\Help\ActionScriptDictionary\help_toc.xml
There is an invalid character in the given encoding. Line 3, position 26.
Repetido varias veces y con varios archivos distintos. Tras varios e-mails de ida y vuelta con Mike Chambers, finalmente hemos encontrado la solución.
1.- En primer lugar hay que editar el archivo de configuración ( app.config ) que se encuentra en la carpeta
2.- Hay que coger uno por uno todos los archivos que aparecen en el mensaje de error ( también se puede ver en el fichero
Y ya está. Toda la ayuda de Flash, el MXNA, Fullasagoog, ayuda de Central, de componentes, ........ TODO en una única aplicación de escritorio.
A disfrutarlo!
Todas las rutas son relativas a la carpeta donde se haya instalado el programa.
Publicado por: Cesar Tardaguila | Abril 7, 2004 09:19 PM
I've tried your fix and it seems to be working:
Some reliable content appear in the "Reference" tab but when I use the Search tab to find a word in these contents, it always return zero result...
Do you get the same problem?
Can you use the Search engine properly?
Publicado por: dasp | Abril 8, 2004 09:32 AM
I haven't tried to do any search, but I remember that there were also some xml files named "help-search" or something similar. I'd try to save them also as utf-8
Publicado por: Cesar Tardaguila | Abril 8, 2004 10:47 AM
How clever you are!
I really have to thank you because without you i'd still be angry to be French!
This works perfectly!
Have a nice day!
Publicado por: dasp | Abril 8, 2004 11:01 AM
Well, thanks, bu I'm not so clever....
Anyway, I thought the same when I first tested it: "if you're not english, this simply won't work".
Well, I hope they should begin to realize that there are a lot of non english-speaker developers, that also need these kind of things.
Pues eso, que otra vez más, los que no tenemos sistemas ingleses-americanos tenemos que hacer un pequeño esfuerzo extra.
Publicado por: Cesar Tardaguila | Abril 8, 2004 02:14 PM
Hi all, I have uploaded a new version of the Flash Resource Manager:
This should fix all of the known issues that users running non-English versions of Flash have run into.
You should not need to resave all of your XML files anymore.
Let me know if this fixes your issues.
mike chambers
Publicado por: mike chambers | Abril 8, 2004 06:37 PM
>Well, I hope they should begin to realize that there are a lot of non english-speaker developers, that also need these kind of things.
First of all, there is not "they", there is only "me". i.e. This is not done by Macromedia, but myself in my free time.
Second of all, I do know that there are international developers, which is why I just released a fix to the problems:
However, since the development, design, QA and doc team consist of myself, and since I only have the English versions of Flash, it is hard for me to test non-english versions.
Thanks to everyone who reported the issues, and helped me fix them.
mike chambers
Publicado por: mike chambers | Abril 8, 2004 06:39 PM
Sure, Mike, when I said "they" I didn't mean "you", it was more a rant because of the format of the help files, not because of your application.
Sometimes, we feel that we don't get all the attention that we think we should receive, that's all, and I know that this time you ( and I mean "you" ) have been very kind, and that you have found a solution very quickly.
It's just that sometimes we have to make a little effort by ourselves to make things work properly ( and this not a rant against Macromedia, it's about software vendors in general )
Anyway, thanks again for your great application
Publicado por: Cesar Tardaguila | Abril 8, 2004 07:29 PM
Por cierto, con el update todo funciona perfectamente, si se cambia el idioma en el fichero "app.config" a "es"
It seems to work perfectly, if you change the language in the "app.config" file.
Publicado por: Cesar Tardaguila | Abril 8, 2004 07:41 PM