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La cita del día (de hoy)

Lo sé, lo sé. Estábamos todos tan debuti, babeando con la Hasselblad, pensando en cómo sería tener una M6, fantaseando con un mundo sin Hombres Malos, y ahora viene el señorito a fastidiarlo.

Pues sí, toca hablar de política. En realidad, de citar a un señor hablando de política. En realidad ni siquiera estoy muy seguro de que se le pueda aplicar el calificativo de señor, pero ahí va la cita, en cualquier caso.

El autor es Wil Shipley, ese individuo mitad programador mitad ogro, propietario de la empresa que desarrolla Delicious Library, y propietario también de una mente llamémosle peculiar.

Pero vamos con la cita:

There have been precious few moments in history where we have an opportunity, each one of us, to define who we are simply by picking a side. There were people in Germany who opposed the Nazi party, and they got to brag about it for the rest of their lives. There were people in France who fought for the underground, and they are still held in esteem to this day. There were people who stood up and marched with MLK, there were people who drove black workers around during the bus boycotts, and their grandchildren still remember them for it.

Sometimes the most important thing in a fight is which side you are on, and not whether that side can win or not. Sometimes we just have to believe that, eventually, good will win out, and we have ask ourselves, "How will my children judge me when I tell them the story of this time?"

Lo de buscar paralelismos, a todas y cada una de las palabras de la cita anterior, tanto en el pasado cercano como en el presente y futuro próximo de Ppaña queda de cuenta del lector.

Arreando, a ello.

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