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La cita del día

In the past, when I bought "how-to" books, I bought them by weight. The equation was a simple one: I assumed that the heavier the book, the more knowledge it contained. Over the years I accumulated lots of answers, I just didn't know any of the questions. I had the how, but no idea of the why. What I have discovered is that the why is more important than the how. If you know what you want to do and why you want to do it, discovering how becomes mere detail

Da gusto abrir un libro, y encontrarte con un párrafo así


Me recuerda a los miles de tutoriales de photoshop que te cuentan cómo hacer "letras de plástico" o "efectos lomo" pero no te explican porqué se usa ese efecto y no otro, y porqué se filtra hacia un color y no otro. Claro, si luego coges una foto con otros tonos diferentes, no funciona.

Efectivamente, cuando conoces el porqué de las cosas, es más fácil.

Ahora sólo falta la cita bibliográfica...

Mea culpa:

Welcome to Oz: A Cinematic Approach to Digital Still Photography with Photoshop, de Vincent Versace

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